Water Quality
Bill Yorkson reported on the installation of the 3 cameras on Yellow Lake. The only location where the signal could be received from all 3 cameras was a high point on the west side of the lake. Delores Lien, a property owner at that location, agreed to allow a computer and a DSL connection at her home. A motion passed for YLRA to pay $300/year for the DSL connection. Bill Yorkson reported that our water clarity this May was better than recorded last May. Several lakes in Minneapolis area have been infested with Curly Leaf Pond Weeds which give off an algae that has killed several dogs. The Aquatic Plant Survey for Yellow Lake and Little Yellow Lake will start in about one week and will check for the "Curly Leaf". The cost to do the Aquatic Plant survey for the YellowRiver will cost $4000 and uses a different protocol than that used for lakes. YLRA will discuss the survey for the River at theFall Meeting.
Bill Yorkson reported on the status of the Aquatic Plant Survey that he has been working on with Dave Ferris of Burnett County Land & Water Conservation Dept. There is a 98% chance that we can get a grant from Wisconsin DNR to pay for 50% of the costs. A motion passed that YLRA do the survey on Yellow Lake, Little Yellow Lake, upriver to the highway 35 bridge and downriver to the dam. The motion included that we make the grant application for 50% of the cost. The total cost was set not to exceed $8000. The survey is to include both natural and invasive vegetation. Burnett County has sub-contracted with Matt Berg of Endangered Resources for other survey work. The survey for Aquatic Plants will take 3 weeks.
Bill Yorkson reported that the water quality testing that he & Steve Germain do now requires new protocol and new testing equipment with more paperwork. When the water quality is tested they also test for chemicals. The water quality is tested 5 times during the summer at a cost of $200 per time.