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YLRA Board Membership & Elections September 14th, 2024

September 14th, 2024

11:00 AM - Location: Forts Folle Avoine

Board Members Present: Jim Buhil, Mike Singer, Marie King, Ron Bourquin, Mary Smoliak, Tom Schloer,

Mark Koller, Ryan Crosby, and Dave O’Neill.

Absent: Ed Collova, Deb Mlinar

The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 11:20 AM

Jim welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming to the meeting.

Jim Buhil opened the floor for nominations. No nominations were presented from the floor. Motion to

close nominations was passed.

Jim Buhil explained fish limit proposal and survey, results to follow.

Jim introduced guest speakers Paul Thompson and Phil Sylla from the Yellow River Protection

Conservancy. Paul spoke about the problems caused by Hybrid invasive leaf cattails in the river system

and how they are working to eliminate them. He also reviewed their “Buy, Protect & Sell” land program.

Mary Smoliak reviewed the procedure on how to sign up on the YLRA web site to work on the meat raffle.



Secretary’s Report: Jim Buhil reviewed the report. Motion to approve was made to accept the report,

motion was seconded and motion then passed.

Treasurer’s Report: Marie reviewed treasurer’s report. Motion to approve was made to accept the report,

motion was seconded and motion then passed.

Daryl Pope questioned the value of the money spent for L & R maintenance to monitor the boat landings based on the low amount of citations(3). It was explained that much of the value is based on the deterrent value that it provides.

Jim Buhil gave a water level update: (water level is decreasing)

 8/9 – 930.68 – 11 3⁄4 high

 9/2 – 930.53– 9 3⁄4 high

 9/14 930.31 – 7 1⁄4 high

Q & A

- Dave Guay made a motion that YLRA donate $10,000 to the Yellow River Protection

Conservancy. After some open discussion Dave Guay withdrew this motion and made a 2nd

motion to donate $5,000 to the conservancy. This motion was seconded. The motion was

voted on and passed.

- Dave Guay also brought up issues associated with wake boats. He stated that there is

legislation to outlaw wake boats on Lakes under 500 acres. This would include Little Yellow


- If you notice any issues you must call the Sheriff’s office or Conservation Office.

- The question of Fish Cribs was brought up again. Jim Buhil explained that Yellow Lake would

benefit more from “fish sticks” than from “fish cribs”. Jim also explained that “fish sticks” are

supported by the DNR. Individual land owners would have to embrace the install of “fish

sticks” and any permits that may be required if they are not natural.

- Susie would like our local representatives listed in the next newsletter so people can state

their concerns about regulations and restrictions that govern the damn in Danbury.

Jim Buhil reviewed results from the fish limit survey, they are as follows:

- Change to 10 fish total – 5 voted

- Change to 15 fish total – 13 votes

- Change to 25 fish total – 6 votes


Jim Buhil reviewed election results as follows:

Jim Buhil, Marie King, Mark Koller, Deb Mlinar and Dave O’Neill all re-elected to serve on the board.

Alternates as follows:

- Ryan Crosby – 1st alternate

- Blake Hvambsal – 2nd alternate

Meeting was adjourned at 12:56 PM

Meeting minutes submitted by Dave O’Neill in Deb Mliner’s absence.



©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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