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YLRA Board Meeting November 11th, 2023

Location: 10th Hole Bar & Grill

The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8:05

Present: Marie King, Jim Buhil, Ron Bourquin, Tom Schloer, Mark Koller, Ryan Crosby, and Dave


Absent: Ed Collova, Mary Smoliak, Deb Mlinar, Mike Singer

Secretary’s Report: Reports submitted. Motion to approve by Ron, 2nd by Dave, motion


Treasurer’s Report: Marie reviewed treasurers report. Mark made motion to approve seconded

by Tom, motion approved.

Old Business:

• Meat Raffle: More people needed to sign up. It was decided we should continue to have

the December 23rd raffle, this will be covered by board members.

• Training Session: Jim will look into setting up training session for meat raffle

• Wisconsin Lakes and Rivers Convention (Stevens Point, April 10-12): Marie made a

motion to allow 3 members to attend, Motion approved. Ron, Ryan, and Dave will


• Water Level: Current level 929.33, needs to be at 928.9 for winter months.

• Jefferies Landing : Camera is still operative however the speaker was disconnected,

speaker will be reconnected per Marie.

• Ron and Jim met with RWE (Renewable World Energy) and reviewed April-November

Lake levels. Nominal goal is 929.7 - in September it was at 930.44 (8" rain) - 930.0 is

normal high water mark.

• Jim responded to questions from Mud Hen Lake Association regarding YLRA landing

procedures/policies. Copies available

• Clothing: Discussion on how to sell - Clothing will be on display and for sale during the

November 25th meat raffle. Ryan will bring portable fish house for sales. Dave suggested

ordering some stocking hats with YLRA logo - Marie will look into this.

New Business:

• Summer Picnic - June 8th. Ron will talk to White Tail about possibly holding meeting


• Fall Picnic - Sat. September 14th - Jim suggested the Fort, Marie will check with the Fort

on holding the meeting there. (75 - 80)

• Mark noted - Oakland township wants to eliminate ties with the boat landing. If we

assume responsibility for entire landing insurance would be required.

• Governors Fishing Opener (Friday May 3 - Sat. May 4th): Chuck presented scheduled

plans, VIP Dinner the Friday night before opener at Zhasagiins Event Center in Siren.

Family fishing day on Crooked Lake on Sat. The REC will be having breakfast on Sat.

(serving breakfast tacos). Looking for hosts to take Media on the lake, also looking for

Sponsorships - more to follow.

• Power Loading: Burnett County passed an ordinance of No Power Loading. Burnett

County Lakes & Rivers Association is buying signs displaying ordinance. Signs to be posted

at landings, Jim will look into getting signs with Bob Baker.

• Water Testing: Ryan contacted Dan McQuinn on water testing - this is a private testing

lab. This sounds similar to what we are doing now for testing through the DNR at no

cost. We will continue to use our established system.

• Ryan suggested using the Face Book Web Site for "Friends of Yellow Lake" group for more

exposure. We will look further into this idea.

• No Meeting in December

The next YLRA board meeting is January 13th, 2023 at the 10th Hole at 8:00 am.

Meeting adjourned: 9:40 am - Meeting minutes submitted by Dave ONeill (substitute for Deb

Milnar - Secratary)



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