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YLRA Board Meeting July 29th, 2023

Location: 10th Hole Bar & Grill

The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8:06am.

Present: Marie King, Jim Buhil, Ron Bourquin, Deb Mlinar, Mark Koller Dave O’Neill and Mike Singer.

Absent: Ed Collova, Nick Newton and Mary Smoliak

Secretary’s Report: Reports submitted. Motion to approve by Marie, 2nd Dave, motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Reports submitted. Motion to approve by Ron, 2nd Deb, motion approved.

New Business:

1) Meat Raffle: We need to fill spots for the rest of the summer & fall. Deb will work on filling the schedule at the

Fall Members Meeting & Picnic.

2) Newsletter: Deb completed and forwarded it to Marie and Mary to check and print for August 2023. It will be

printed this week. Fall Picnic, Members Meeting & Election information will be included.

3) Fall Members Meeting, Picnic & Elections: We will not need to bring a microphone, the Rec will provide the mic,

tables for sign in, Membership sign-up/dues, and Swag. Mike updated the Swag inventory and will get it to the

Picnic. We will sell everything at our cost. Ed Collova and Nick Newton will not be running for Board or Alternate

positions this year. The Speaker will be Dave Ferris with Burnett Cty Land Services, speaking about water shed

and soil erosion. Costs for taco bar, hard & soft shells, chips, queso, salsa & fixings, plus 2 drinks (liquor, pop, or

water) discussed. Motion to approve $15pp including drink cost for approximately 135 people by Marie, 2 nd

Dave, motion approved. Deb will make any signs needed and will visit tables to ask for Meat Raffle Volunteers.


4) Deb posted “Picnic, Membership Meeting & Elections Invite” and “Invitation to Run for Board Positions” on

Facebook. Mary will post on our website. We have had two people interested so far. Deb will gather their info.

5) Fish Cribs—Mike and Dave met with and observed Devil’s Lake Board people put together and install a few cribs.

They will ask about permitting and costs later today.

6) Jeffrey’s Landing—The power to the camera and recording isn’t working, possibly due to solar panel removal.

Dave will call Polk-Burnett to find out when we can get power back there. Will advise.

Old Business:

1) Contamination Stations: Dave purchased more bleach. Marie asked If the guys could wipe off camera lenses

when needed.

2) The first Officers Meeting was suggested for September 15th at 6pm at the Bunkhouse Bar at Mike Singer’s house.

Motion to approve by Deb, 2nd Marie, motion approved.

3) Water Level— Jim shared 929.78, the rain has helped!

4) Water Testing—Ron said clarity is still pretty good, starting to green a little bit. He is testing and sending it in on


The next YLRA board meeting is August 12, 2023 at The 10th Hole at 8:00am.

Meeting adjourned: 9:30 am, submitted by Deb Mlinar, Secretary.



©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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