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YLRA Board Meeting July 13th, 2024

8:00 AM - Location: 10th Hole Bar & Grill

The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8:18 AM

Present: Mike Singer, Marie King, Jim Buhil, Deb Mlinar, Ron Bourquin, Tom Schloer, Mark Koller, Ryan

Crosby, and Dave O’Neill.

Absent: Ed Collova, Mary Smoliak,

Secretary’s Report: Reports submitted. Motion to approve by Marie, 2nd by Mark, motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Marie reviewed treasurers report. Mark made a motion to approve seconded by

Deb, motion approved.

New Business:

• Fall Membership Meeting & Election Sept 14. 2024. It will be held at Forts Folle Avoine. Marie is

setting it up and putting together the menu with the Fort. Jim spoke with Paul Thompson to ask

him to speak at the meeting. He will discuss the invasive cattail species, the Narrow Leaf Cattails

in Yellow River.

• Gift Certificates for the Dam Operators, Marshal and Russell. Marie posed a motion to pass @

$25 each, Ron 2nd, motion approved.

Old Business:

• Discussion regarding which projects we take on for the remainder of the year. We decided to

work on Fish Limits and the problem with Narrow Leaf Cattails in Yellow River. We will put

together a questionnaire on Fish Limits for the Membership Meeting.

• Newsletter: Deb will have it to Marie before Aug 10. We would like it to go out by mid-August.

• Mark Koller discussed the depth gauge at the bridge. He is working on the indicator for under

the bridge. It should help boaters have the ability to see if their boat will safely pass under the

bridge. He is working on the manufacturing and getting input from the county.

The next YLRA board meeting is also the Fall Membership Meeting and Election on September 14,

2024 at Forts Folle Avoine. Check in at 11:00, Lunch at 12:00 noon.

Meeting adjourned: 9:43 am - Meeting minutes submitted by Deb Mlinar - Secretary



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