YLRA Board Meeting January 13th, 2024
Location: 10th Hole Bar & Grill
The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8:01am
Present: Marie King, Jim Buhil, Mary Smoliak, Ron Bourquin, Mark Koller, Ryan Crosby, Dave O’Neill,
Mike Singer and Deb Mlinar (Microsoft Meetings).
Absent: Ed Collova and Tom Schloer.
Secretary’s Report: Reports submitted. Motion to approve by Jim, 2nd by Dave, motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Marie is working on end of year, she will have the report ready for the next meeting.
We will table it until then.
Old Business:
• Meat Raffle: More people needed to sign up. Marie has someone for the next two weeks, but we
will need people for the next seven weeks. Deb will post on Face book and Mary will post on our
• Newsletter: Deb has completed her articles and updates on the Governor’s Fishing Opener. We
are asking for more volunteers- they will be sent Deb’s direction. Mary is adding the Sponsorship
opportunity packet to the end of the newsletter. It contains so much information and gives families
and business’s an opportunity to be part of this historic event. Marie will then have it printed. We
will Mail and Publish it on the website in February.
• Mary set up PAYPAL payment online for YLRA Membership dues. Membership payments online
(new and renewals) now automatically deposit into the YLRA checking account on the 1st and 15th
of each month. She also set up “real-time” sign-up on our website for new members. People will
have the ability to fill out the form online and pay online, all in the click of a button! Thank you,
• Jeffries Landing: There were 7 Violations that had to be investigated. Mary will post information
on the website later in the spring. We will also gather more information on all the violations
reported trough the use of our camera system, as well as the amount of traffic each Boat Launch
sees per month and year. This information will come out after the Fishing Opener.
New Business:
• Governor’s Fishing Opener- Discussed what is going to happen with Boat Hosts. Boat Hosts will
be treated like the VIP’s~ they will be invited to the VIP dinner on Friday night to meet their fishing
guests, as well as partake in all of the VIP weekend perks like breakfast & lunch included, swag
bags, games and tours. Mary & Boone Docks Marine volunteered to be a VIP fishing opener host
with 4 or more pontoons. Deb & Blake Also Volunteered a Pontoon on the lake as a Host Boat.
We will need at lease 20 Boats, preferably pontoons.
• Sponsorship levels were discussed, including the costs and benefits. We decided to be a full
Sponsor at the Walleye Level. Mary made a motion to spend $1500 on the Sponsorship, Mike 2nd,
motion passed.
• Swag Bag Items for the Swag Bags given to all the VIP’s at the VIP Dinner. We will add a YLRA
floatie keychain, a can koozie, and a business card. We will need at least 200 of each. W are
also ordering Wind shirt pullovers for all of the Boat Hosts to wear for the event. Mary made a
motion that we are able to spend up to ,but not over, $5,000 on promotional items for the event.
Mark 2nd, the motion passed.
• The next YLRA board meeting is February 11, 2023 at the 10th Hole at 8:00 am.
Meeting adjourned: 9:21 am - Meeting minutes submitted by Deb Mlinar – Secretary