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YLRA Board Meeting August 10th, 2024

Location: 10th Hole Bar & Grill

The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8:04am

Present: Jim Buhil, Marie King, Ron Bourquin, Mark Koller, Deb Mlinar, Tom Schloer and Dave


Absent: Mary Smoliak, Ed Collova, Ryan Crosby and Mike Singer.

Secretary’s Report: Deb submitted report. Motion to approve by Marie, 2nd by Dave, motion


Treasurer’s Report: Marie submitted report. Motion to approve by Dave, 2nd by Mark, motion


Meat Raffle: We continue to need help with the Meat Raffle on Saturdays at Yellow Lake Lodge.

Dave, Tom and Deb have the remainder of August covered. We need to promote the sign-up

sheet on our YLRA.ORG Website and Facebook page. Deb will add to our Facebook page.

New Business:

• Newsletter: Deb is working on it & will forward to Marie tomorrow. Marie will get it out this


• Fall Membership Meeting & Election: It will be at Forts Folle Avoine on Sept 14, 2024, with

check-in beginning at 11:00am. YLRA Board Members will arrive between 10-10:30am for set-

up. Marie & Deb will need Bio’s for all those who are running for another term. Lunch provided

by the Fort includes hotdish, dessert and coffee. YLRA, Dave & Tom, will bring coolers & ice with

soda & water. We are planning for about 80 Members to attend. Jim will bring our PA system.

Jim will also check with Mary to get her screen for the slideshow. Paul Thompson with the

Yellow River Protection Conservancy will give a presentation about the invasive Narrow Leaf

Cattails in the Yellow River. The Meeting will run as follows: 11:00am check-in, 11:30 Jim will

call the meeting to order and ask for Nominations from the membership, then we will have the

presentation by Paul Thompson. Lunch will be served after the speaker, followed by the


• YLRA swag: Mike Singer will bring everything for Members to purchase at cost. Dave updated

us on what is needed to order including can coozies and hats. Marie will order more of each.

Mark & Shelly, and Dave & Diane will sell swag at the Meeting.

• Annual EMT Golf Tournament at Voyager Village: Do we donate again this year? Dave made a

motion to do a $100 Hole Sponsorship and $100 donation, Ron 2nd, motion passed to spend


Old Business:

• Fish limits: Jim will meet with Mary to develop a questionnaire for the Membership vote.

• Fish Cribs: Jim received a letter form Craig Roberts, the DNR Fish Biologist regarding our inquiry

about Fish cribs on Yellow Lake. He does not recommend them for Yellow Lake due to the lake

structure and weed patterns. He does not believe they would do any good. He suggested “Fish

Sticks” which is adding fallen trees, “sticks”, along the lakeshore. The effect is the same as


• River Buoys: The West River Road HOA asked us to participate and sign their county application

for No Wake Buoys in their area. The state law for No Wake Zones is: 100ft from land is

considered a No Wake Zone. Marie made a motion to let them pursue this on their own; Tom

2nd , motion passed.

The next YLRA board meeting is Sept 14, 2024, at Forts Folle Avoine at 11:00 am.

Meeting adjourned: 9:48 am - Meeting minutes submitted by Deb Mlinar – Secretary



©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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