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YLRA Board Meeting April 1, 2023

Location:  10th Hole Bar & Grill


The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8:09m.

Introduce Phil Sylla- Yellow River Protection Conservancy, guest Speaker. 

Present: Marie King, Jim Buhil, Mary Smoliak, Ron Bourquin, Deb Mlinar, Mark Koller, Mike Singer, and Dave O’Neill.

Absent:  Ed Collova and Nick Newton

Secretary’s Report:  Reports submitted.  Motion to approve by Ron, 2nd by Marie, motion approved.    

Treasurer’s Report:  Reports were not ready.  Tabled until May meeting.

New Business: 

1)      Phil Sylla & YRPC: They are looking for another board member from our group.  Mary volunteered to be on their board.  Key points: Protect our shoreline & our water, purchase property, upgrade to protect, and resell.  Mary made a motion to donate $500 to YRPC, Dave 2nd, motion passed. 

2)      Meat Raffle:  Promote online meat raffle.  We need to fill spots for the rest of the spring/summer.  Mary is updating the online sign-up.  Deb will share on Facebook again.

3)      Newsletter:  Marie and Deb will get it out for May 2023.  Summer Picnic information will be included. 

4)      North Landing:  Mark spoke with DNR, they would like to measure. 

5)      Clothing:  Mike & Dave did an inventory.  Dave is checking on new gear. 

6)      Summer Picnic:  Deb and Mike presented two options, The Rec and Fishbowl Sporting Club.  The board voted to have the summer picnic at the Fishbowl Sporting Club and the fall picnic at The Rec.  Mike will let Fishbowl know and Deb will let The Rec know.  Mike & Deb will work with Fishbowl to plan the event. 

Old Business:

1)      North Landing:  We need to upgrade some of the North Landing equipment. Ron made a motion to spend up to $1000 to upgrade, Deb 2nd, motion passed.  Deb will be helping with the bleach at the North Landing and the YLL Landing. 

2)      Nancy Herman- Burnett Cty Visitor’s Guide- Mary checked, It is ok. 

3)     Web Site:  Mary has updated the website with the Fishing Reg’s and the Burnett County Resort logo. 

4)      Lakes & River Convention:  Ron & Dave will attend this year.  Motion was made by Mary to approve $2500 for two people to attend.  Marie 2nd the motion, motion passed. 


The next YLRA board meeting is May 13, 2023 at the 10th Hole at 8:00 am. 

Meeting adjourned:  10:00 am, submitted by Deb Mlinar, Secretary. 



©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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