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Board Meeting Minutes November 23rd, 2021

The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8:07am.

Present: Marie King, Jim Buhil, Mary Smoliak, Deb Mlinar, Bob Savage.

Absent: Ed Collova, Nick Newton, Mark Koller, Dave O’Neill, Ron Bourquin, Mike Singer.

Secretary’s Report: Sept 11 and 18 th reports submitted. Motion to approve by Bob, 2 nd Mary, motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Marie submitted Treasurer’s Report. Motion to approve by Bob, 2 nd Deb, motion approved.

Meat Raffle: Mary will add the need for vounteers to the website and FB page. We still always need volunteers.

Newsletter: Deb reported that it is ready to go out.

Water Testing: AIS- Mary Smoliak is adding algae testing info to web site and FB page. She is getting testing kits to test

sporadically throughout the year. Deb Mlinar was added to help Mary on AIS committee.

Water Level: Jim Buhil reported 929.2. heading down to winter level.

New Business:

1) Yellow Lake Condo Rip-Rap: Mike Lien from the Yellow Lake Condo Association Board made his presentation.

There is 140 ft of shoreline showing extreme erosion. They are asking for any amount to help with the cost of the

rip-rap. His bids are the same from Affordable and Evergreen at $14,000. YLRA would like to maintain the depth

under the bridge created from the last dredge. Therefore, Marie suggested to ask the condo assoc to redredge

and rebuild that point prior to the rip-rap. Mike is getting quotes to have that done. We will meet (possibly a

December special session) to vote on the amount to donate to the project. We would like to keep it wide and

deep enough to make for safe boat passage under the bridge.

2) Spring Picnic: Sweeney’s on June 11. Bob made to motion, Marie 2 nd , and it passed. Jim has set up a DNR Fish

Biologist to do a presentation at the picnic to share fish counts and general biological fish and wildlife info on the

lakes and river.

Old Business:

1) North landing dock: Dock pulled, Bob suggested fixing the landing and spreading asphalt over to widen the

landing. They would like to put the dock in the center of the landing next year. The landing supply leftovers from

spring inventory include: 27 bottles of cleaning fluid (3 are new), 3 hooks, 4 brushes, 3 goggles.

2) Clothing: Marie suggested some of the items they plan to purchase: t-shirts, zip-up hoodies, windbreakers, no-

hood zip-ups. All inventory is gone at this time.

3) Yearly Donations: We are donating $500 to the Fort for Christmas for Kids. This is an approved annual donation.

4) Jamison Rd lagoon dredging: Mary got a bid for the AquaThruster for $3,000. We are waiting on the dredging bid.

5) No Wake signs on the river: We are considering adding them to the Whitetail side, due to the heavy weekend

traffic. There was a question to whether the DNR are the only ones who can post no wake signs.

The next YLRA board meeting is January 8 at Bob Savage’s Basement at 9:00 am.

Meeting adjourned: 9:45am, submitted by Deb Mlinar, Secretary.



©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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