Board Meeting Minutes November 12th, 2022
Location: 10th Hole Bar & Grill
The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 8:03am.
Present: Marie King, Jim Buhil, Mary Smoliak, Ron Bourquin, Deb Mlinar, Mark Koller, Dave O’Neill.
Absent: Ed Collova, Bob Savage, Mike Singer and Nick Newton
Secretary’s Report: Reports submitted. Motion to approve by Dave, 2nd Mary, motion approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Report submitted. Motion to approve by Dave, 2nd Deb, motion approved.
New Business:
Bob Savage’s resignation: The board accepted Bob’s resignation, he has been overwhelmed with both YLRA and Union Township board, therefore, he has decided to resign. We thank him and wish him well. He has been a great asset to YLRA. Thank you Bob!
Bob’s VP replacement: Dave O’Neill was nominated by Marie, 2nd Mary, motion approved. Dave accepted.
Dave O’Neill Board position replacement: Nick Newton was nominated by Mary, 2nd Ron, motion approved.
Meat Raffle: Mary will put it on Google Drive so we all have “real-time” access for updating and signing up online.
Water Level: November 1 it was lowered to winter level 928.6, a drop of 1.1 ft.
Sintron Station: indicaton level for water level. Jim spoke with Brian Kuscher about getting data for YLRA to share with members. He will try to get us a tour of the RWE and may speak at our next picnic.
Toys for Tots: Deb requested a donation on behalf of Daisy Eckstrom and Toys for Tots. The request was for $500. The funds are used for local families in need during the holiday season. The board voted and passed.
Process change for Donations: YLRA asks that any group inquiring about a donation will need to present their needs to the committee in person. Motion to approve Jim, 2nd Mark, passed.
Old Business:
Meeting dates and times- suggested weekday mornings or late afternoons. We will decide next meeting.
Vacations: Let Jim know what dates you will be gone this winter.
Fish Limits and Lake health: Mary gathered lots of info for us. She spoke to Craig Roberts with the DNR.
A few key points from the survey:
- Yellow Lake supports one of the best Lake Sturgeon hook and line fisheries in WI!
- Muskellunge have been the only species stocked into Yellow Lake since 2006. We have a healthy population of Musky with trophy potential. This is no natural reproduction of Musky in Yellow Lake.
- Walleye population currently has the lowest recorded estimate, likely due to low levels of natural reproduction. The male to female ratio was 28:1. If we are interested in bolstering the Walleye population, more restrictive regulations and habitat protection should be considered first.
Mary presented information on Buoys. She has had many lakeshore owners ask about getting them. They will require a permit. Mary will help those who want them to get them.
The Decontamination station at the landing by the Yellow Lake Lodge needs to be reconstructed. Jim and Dave volunteered to take care of this project.
The next YLRA board meeting is December 10 at the 10th Hole at 9:00 am.
Meeting adjourned: 9:42 am, submitted by Deb Mlinar, Secretary.