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Board Meeting Minutes March 12th, 2022

YLRA Board Meeting March 12, 2022

Location: 10 th Hole Tavern

The meeting was called to order by Jim Buhil at 9:02am.

Present: Jim Buhil, Deb Mlinar, Mark Koller, Mike Singer, Nick Newton, and Ron Bourquin.

Absent: Ed Collova, Marie King, Mary Smoliak, Bob Savage, and Dave O’Neill.

Secretary’s Report: January 8 report submitted. Motion to approve by Mark, 2 nd Ron, motion approved.

Treasurer’s Report: We will have the updated treasurer’s report next month.

Meat Raffle: Bob and his wife will be working the meat raffle until Feb 5. We need more people to volunteer. We are covered until

early to mid April. Please help find people to sign up!

New Business:

1) Meetings will change to 8:00am beginning April 9.

2) Ron Bourquin did some research on the WI Lakes and Rivers Convention. The Convention is in Stevens Point on April 6-8.

They offer several seminars involving water quality, DNR, scientists, businesses, and wetland professionals. The board voted

on sending two people to the conference, totaling $1500 for rooms and conference costs. Motion to approve by Deb, 2 nd by

Ron, motion approved. Ron Bourquin will be going, and possibly Mark Koller.

Old Business:

1) Decontamination Stations: Discussed the volunteers for this season. Ron and Mark both volunteered. We would like one

more volunteer.

2) North Boat Landing/Oakland Landing: Mark Koller has done a ton of research regarding what is possible with upgrading this

landing. The DNR needs a scope of work for the landing. Mark is putting together a proposal for the DNR. We also need

rachet cranks for the dock at this sight. Ron and Mark will pick them up before the dock goes in.

3) Burnett County Boat Landings: The county just passed No Power Loading at any of their boat landings.

4) Spring Picnic: Sweeney’s on June 11. Jim has set up a DNR Fish Biologist to do a presentation at the picnic to share fish

counts and general biological fish and wildlife info on the lakes and river.

5) Yellow Lake Bridge Updates: They have 4 final bids. They will award the contract this week. The groups that are building the

bridge include Burnett county- 10%, Township- 10%, Feds 80%. The bridge will begin August 2022 and should be complete

within 3 months.

Meeting adjourned: 9:54am, submitted by Deb Mlinar, Secretary.



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