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Board Meeting Minutes 12-14-2019


Present at the meeting were Kent Warner, Jim Buhil, Marie King, Tony Rutter, Bob Savage, Mark Koller, Mary Smoliak, and Dave Guay. Absent Randy Lohse, and Bill Yorkson.

Dave Ferris from Burnett County Land Managment gave a presentation on lake shore managment.

The meeting was called to order at 8:57 am by President Kent Warner.

Secretary and Treasurer report - As of 10/29/2019 a balance of $197,638.95 was in the checkbook. Bob Savage made a motion to accept the Secratary and Treasurer report. Mary Smoliak 2nd the motion. Motion passed.

Meat Raffle – Volunteers are still needed to work the meat raffle. Marie King passed out a sign up sheet to the board.

Water Level – Jim Buhil reported that water level at the gauge house was 928.91 feet on 12/14/19.

Mark Koller made a motion to accept the letter of resignation from Dan Haumschild. Bob Savage 2nd the motion. Motion passed.

Bob Savage made a motion to have Bill Yorkson become a board Director to replace Dan Haumschid due to resignation. Dave Guay 2nd the motion. Motion passed.

Kent Warner and Jim Buhil reported on a teleconference call with WRE, DNR, and YLRA. YLRA has the task to review the 2004 Polaris report and write up pros and cons of proposed solutions to control water levels. A future meeting may happen when all data is collected.

Meeting adjourned at 10:08 am.

Submitted by Jim Buhil, Vice President


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