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Board Meeting Minutes 11-9-2019


Present at the meeting were Kent Warner, Marie King, Bob Savage, Dave Guay, Mark Koller, Mary Smoliak, Dan Haumschild and Randy Lohse.

Absent from the meeting were Jim Buhil, Tony Rutter and Bill Yorkson.

The meeting was called to order at 8:01 am by President Kent Warner.

Secretary’s Report / Treasurer’s report – Marie King reported a balance of $97,692.63 in the check book as of 10/30/2019. Bob Savage made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and approve Nov 9th 2019 board minutes. Randy Lohse seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Kent and Marie shared about their meeting with the lawyer (Benson) and clarified the meeting with the lawyer is to accomplish responsibility of the DNR working with YLRA concerning conditions, problems and solutions with the Yellow Lakes & River. Water level 929.3

Water quality concerning weed survey: Waiting for results.

Discussion of the following items

  • Ideas for activities and roles each board member feels is important and is willing to step up to managing

  • Board members taking leadership of running the meat raffle a minimum of times a year and passed around meat raffle calendar so board members can confirm dates they can lead the meat raffle.

  • Discussion around newsletter and website (ideas on sending out newsletters via email and adding interesting facts and resources that would increase members frequenting the YLRA website to find out what’s happening in our area).

  • Discussion around removal of weeds around the Glendenning bridge

Next board meeting will be 12/14/19 at 8:00 am at the 10th Hole.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 am.

Submitted by Randy Lohse (Secretary).


©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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