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Members Meeting Minutes 09-08-2018 at Fort Folle Avione

Jon Papke welcomed everyone and thanked them for coming. Jon reviewed the agenda then invited everyone to get their lunch.

Jon Papke called the meeting to order at 12:30 pm. Jon introduced the two guest speakers Mark Chaklos from Jackson township Fire & Rescue, and Jeff Jensen the Forts Folle Avoine director. Jon also reviewed the past years accomplishments.

The first speaker was Mark Chaklos. Mark showed some of the equipment that is used for water rescue/salvage. The side scan sonar they recently purchased speeds up locating items under water. When the divers are doing a dive they will retrieve any trash they come across. The #1 item they find is red solo cups. The dive team is mainly used for salvage recovery of boats, motors etc. There is no fee for their services, but they do accept donations.

Jeff Jensen was the next speaker. Jeff thanked the volunteers for serving a very good lunch. Jeff also thanked YLRA for the donations to the children’s Christmas party.

Secretary report – Jim Buhil asked if there were any questions on the past years board minutes, there were none. Jim then asked for a motion to accept the minutes. Pat Amundson made a motion to accept the board minutes. Dick LaPlante seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Treasurer report – Marie King reviewed the income and expense report. As of 8/31/2018 the check book balance was $119,389.48. Bob Savage made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Dick LaPlante seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Election – Jon Papke asked for a nomination for board director. Dawn Schnickle accepted. Jon then asked for a nomination for a board alternate. Bob Savage accepted. Ed Collova made a motion for a white ballot. Tony Rutter seconded. Motion passed. Elected on the white ballot were Jim Buhil, Dan Haumschild, Marie King, Robert Schnickle, and Dawn Schnickle for board directors. Bob Savage and Randy Lohse were elected as alternates.

Kent Warner and Jim Buhil presented to the membership a proposed dredging of a sand bar in the channel exiting Yellow Lake by the gauge house. Kent and Jim asked the membership to approve $16,000.00 for this project. Dave Guy made a motion for the membership to approve $16,000.00 for the project. Bob Savage seconded the motion. Motion passed with all ayes, no opposed.

Meeting was adjourned at 1:45pm.

Submitted by Jim Buhil, Secretary


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