Board Meeting Minutes 09-08-2018 at Fort Folle Avione
YLRA Board meeting at Forts Folle Avoine Sept. 8th 2018
Present were Kent Warner, Jim Buhil, Marie King, Jack Brunell, Tony Rutter, Mary Smoliak, Robert Schnickle, Dawn Schnickle, Bob Savage, and Randy Lohse.
Absent was Dan Haunschild
The meeting was called to order by Kent Warner at 1:55 pm.
Election of officers – Nominations were opened Marie King for Treasurer/accepted Kent Warner for President/accepted Jim Buhil for Vice President/accepted Robert Schnickle for Secretary/accepted. Tony Rutter made a motion to white ballot the nominees for office. Mary Smoliak seconded the motion. Motion passed.
This is a list of the YLRA board members.
Kent Warner – President
Jim Buhil – Vice President
Marie King – Treasurer
Robert Schnickle – Secretary
Jack Brunell
Tony Rutter
Mary Smoliak
Dawn Schnickle
Dan Haumschild
Bob Savage – Alternate
Randy Lohse – Alternate
The next board meeting will be Oct 13th 2018 at 8:00am at the 10th Hole.
Meeting adjourned at 2:10 pm.
Submitted by Jim Buhil Secretary