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Board Meeting Minutes 08-04-18


Present at the meeting were Kent Warner, Jim Buhil, Jack Brunell, Marie King, Tony Rutter, Jon Papke, Ed Collova, and Robert Schnickel.

Absent from the meeting were Mary Smoliak, Brett Ewaldt, and Dan Haumschild.

The meeting was called to order at 8:05 am by President Jon Papke.

Secretary’s Report – Jim Buhil reviewed the board minutes from the July 14th, 2018 meeting. Marie King made a motion to accept the minutes. Kent Warner seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report – Marie King reported $117,158.50 in the checking account on July 28th, 2018. Jim Buhil made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Ed Collova seconded the motion. Motion passed.

AIS – Ed Collova reported that about 25 loads of weeds were removed from Little Yellow during the weed harvesting. Ed also checked on the Japanese Knotweed and no growth was found.

Membership – The membership drive held at Sweeny’s went very well. Between the June picnic and the membership drive 42 new members were signed up.

Website - Mary Smoliak was not present so no report.

Water Level – Jim Buhil reported that water level at the gauge house was 929.62 feet on Aug 4th, 2018.

Water Quality – Tony Rutter reported that testing had been done in July.

Meat Raffle – Going well. Always need more volunteers to work the raffle.

Fall elections for YLRA are coming up on Sept. 8th, 2018 at Forts Folle Avoine. There are 2 openings for Directors and 2 openings for alternates. If interested contact a YLRA board member.

Marie King made a motion to pursue the permit needed for dredging the channel at the opening of Yellow Lake by the lodge. Tony Rutter seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Kent Warner made a motion to rent a storage unit for the membership drive games, etc. for YLRA. Marie King seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Kent Warner made a motion to buy 2 safes, one for Marie the Treasurer and one for Jim the Secretary to store documents. Marie King seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Kent Warner made a motion for an amendment to the verbiage about solicitation of venders, as follows: Not to allow solicitation at any YLRA function or publications. Exceptions can be made if voted on by the YLRA board. Marie King seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Meeting adjourned at 10:45 am.

Submitted by Jim Buhil, Secretary


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