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Board Meeting Minutes 05-12-18

Present at the meeting were Jon Papke, Kent Warner, Jim Buhil, Dan Haumschild, Jack Brunell, Ed Collova, Brett Ewalt, Marie King, and Bob Schnickel.

Absent from the meeting were Mary Smoliak and Tony Rutter.

The meeting was called to order at 8:07 am by President Jon Papke.

Secretary’s Report – Jim Buhil had no secretary’s report.

Treasurer’s Report – Marie King reported $126,763.48 in the checking account as of 5/01/18. YLRA now has a meat handling license. This was needed in order to continue the meat raffle. This is now mandated by the state of WI. Jim Buhil made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Kent Warner seconded the motion. Motion passed.

AIS – The invasive weed harvesting on Little Yellow may be delayed due to the late spring.

Membership – Plans are being made for the membership drive on July 28th 2018 at Sweeny’s.

Website - Mary Smoliak was not present so no report.

Water Level – Jim Buhil and Kent Warner discussed with the YLRA board the meeting with RWE. RWE and YLRA both agreed a meeting with the WI DNR in Spooner was a good idea to what can be done to improve water flow and lake level control. Kent Warner will call the DNR to set up a meeting.

Water Quality – Tony Rutter was absent no report.

Spring Picnic – All plans for the picnic have been made. The picnic is at Whitetail June 9th 2018 starting at 11:00am.

Meeting adjourned at 9:38 am.

Submitted by Jim Buhil, Secretary


©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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