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Board meeting minutes 03-10-18

The board meeting was held at the 10th Hole.

Present at the meeting were Kent Warner, Jim Buhil, Tony Rutter, Dan Haumschild, Jack Brunell and Mary Smoliak.

Absent from the meeting were Jon Papke, Marie King, Ed Collova, Robert Schnickel, and Brett Ewalt.

The meeting was called to order at 8:00 am by Vice President Kent Warner.

Secretary’s Report – Jim Buhil reviewed the board minutes held on Feb. 10th 2018 at the 10th Hole. Tony Rutter made a motion to accept the minutes. Kent Warner seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report – Marie King was absent so no report from the treasurer.

AIS – Kent Warner has been working on getting permission to use a boat ramp on the East side of Yellow River. The ramp would be used for weed harvesting purposes. June 11th 2018 the contractor will start to harvest curly leaf pondweed on Little Yellow. Contractor is scheduled to harvest for 5 days that week.

Membership – Plans are being made for the membership drive on July 28th 2018 at Sweeny’s.

Website - Mary Smoliak has been doing a lot of work on the new website for YLRA. The new site is up and running.

Channel dredging is on hold due to permits and YLRA only has permission to use a landowners land in the winter frozen ground condition. Marking Yellow River with buoys, the next step is to go on the river to locate where the buoys will be placed. This is needed for the permit.

It was discussed that YLRA members that have concerns and would like to present them to the board at a meeting, should contact a YLRA board member to get them scheduled.

Meeting adjourned at 9:50 am.

Submitted by Jim Buhil, Secretary


©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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