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Board Meeting Minutes 02-10-18

The YLRA board meeting was held on February 10, 2018 at the 10th Hole and was called to order at 8:03 am by President, Jon Papke.

Present at the meeting were Jon Papke, Kent Warner, Jim Buhil, Marie King, Tony Rutter, Dan Haumschild, Mary Smoliak, Robert Schnickel, and Brett Ewalt.

Absent from the meeting were Jack Brunell, and Ed Collova.

Secretary’s Report - Jim Buhil reviewed the minutes from the YLRA board meeting held on Jan. 10th 2018 at The 10th Hole. Marie King motioned to accept the minutes. Kent Warner seconded the motion, motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report - Marie King reported that YLRA has passed the audit with no issue’s. YLRA is still a Non-Profit association.

AIS – The board discussed harvesting weeds on Little Yellow and Yellow River in 2018. Kent Warner made a motion to hire Cheryl Clemens from Harmony to consult the board. Mary Smoliak seconded the motion, motion passed. A permit to harvest weeds on Little Yellow in 2018 is in the DNR for approval. Kent Warner made a motion to hire TSB Lakefront Restoration and Diving, the weed harvesting contractor. Tony Rutter seconded the motion, motion passed.

Water Quality – Water sampling will begin in June.

Water Level – There is a meeting with WRE on Friday, May 4th 2018.

Newsletter – Marie King said the newsletter will be mailed shortly.

Meeting adjourned at 10:15 am. Submitted by Jim Buhil, Secretary


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