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Board Meeting Minutes 12-02-2017

YLRA Board Meeting 12/2/2017

The meeting was called to order at 8:15 am

Present were Jon Papke, Dan Haumschild, Marie King, Jack Brunell, Tony Rutter, Kent Warner, Jim Buhil, Mary Smoliak and Robert Schnickel.

Absent were Bret Ewalt and Ed Collova.

Secretary’s Report - Jim Buhil discussed the minutes from Sept 9th 2017, Mary Smoliak was added as present during the meeting of Sept. 9th. Mary Smoliak made a motion to approve the minutes. Tony Rutter seconded. Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report - Marie King reported a balance of $117,969.64 in the checking account as of Nov. 27th 2017. Marie said the IRS is auditing YLRA and it will be done in Jan. 2018. The meat raffle license is due for renewal in Jan 2018. A motion was made by Kent Warner to accept the treasurer’s report. Dan Haumschild seconded. Motion passed.

AIS - Ed Collova was absent. Ed is looking for help this year for weed harvesting. Mary Smoliak volunteered to assist Ed.

Water Quality – No testing being done in the winter.

Water Level – Yellow lake system is at winter levels now. Kent Warner is getting bids for the removal of sand at the opening of the channel by Yellow Lake Lodge on the big lake side.

Meat Raffle – Still need volunteers to work the meat raffle.

Newsletter – Marie King needs all articles by Jan 10th 2018.

Website – Mary Smoliak is working on updates to the website. She will report on updates at the next board meeting.

Membership – Kent Warner is heading up a committee for a Membership Drive get together this summer.

The next YLRA board meeting is Jan. 20th 2018 at the 10th Hole at 8:15 am.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.

Submitted by

Jim Buhil, Secretary


©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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