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Board Meeting Minutes 01-20-18

YLRA Board Meeting 1/20/2018

The meeting was called to order by Kent Warner at 8:20 am.

Present were Kent Warner, Dan Haumschild, Marie King, Tony Rutter and Jim Buhil.

Absent were Jon Papke, Ed Collova, Jack Brunell, Mary Smoliak, Robert Schnickel and Brett Ewalt.

Secretary’s Report - Jim Buhil reviewed the minutes from the board meeting on 12/2/2017. Marie King made a motion to approve the minutes. Dan Haumschild seconded the motion, motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report - Marie King reported a balance of $122,159.56 in the checking account as of January 2018. Marie also said the audit of YLRA was completed, but no response back yet if any issues found. Jim Buhil made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Kent Warner seconded the motion, motion passed.

AIS - Ed Collova and Mary Smoliak were not present. Jim Buhil motioned to table the vote on weed harvesting until Feb. 10th, 2018. Kent Warner seconded the motion, motion passed.

Water Level – Kent Warner said he hopes to have the bids for removal of sand at the opening of the channel by Yellow Lake Lodge on the Yellow Lake side by Feb. 10th, 2018, for the next YLRA board meeting.

Meat Raffle – YLRA needs to buy a new cooler for the meat raffle. Kent Warner will purchase the cooler. Still always need volunteers to work the meat raffle.

Membership – A membership drive will take place on July 28th, 2018, at Sweeny’s. Kent Warner, Jim Buhil and Robert Schnickel have volunteered to be on the membership drive committee for organizing the event.

Donations – Donations were discussed for the following five events. Jim Buhil made a motion to donate to the listed events and associations for 2018. Kent Warner seconded the motion, motion passed. Fireworks in Webster $500, Forts Folle Avoine Christmas $500, Northwest WI Lakes Conference $150, Burnett County Lakes and Rivers Assoc. $100, WI Lakes Assoc. $2.00 per YLRA member.

Meetings – Two additional meeting for the YLRA board have been added to the schedule – Feb. 10th, 2018 and Mar. 10th, 2018. Kent Warner made a motion to approve these additional meetings. Marie King seconded the motion, motion passed.

Meeting Location – Jim Buhil made a motion to have all 2018 YLRA board meetings held at the 10th Hole, with a start time of 8:00 am. Kent Warner seconded the motion, motion passed.

The next YLRA board meeting is Feb. 10th 2018 at the 10th Hole at 8:00 am.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:57 am.

Submitted by

Jim Buhil, Secretary

©2017 by Yellow Lakes & River Association Inc.

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