Presidents Message Sept 2024
Hello Everyone,
Hope everyone is doing great, Where has the summer gone? It seems to go faster every year!
I want to extend an invitation to all members of YLRA for the Fall Membership Meeting and Elections. It will be at Forts Folle Avoine on September 14th 2024. Check-in starts at 11:00 am, meeting will be called to order at 11:30 am. Lunch should be served at 12:00 noon. Please try to be at the meeting. This is the meeting that you vote for the YLRA Board members that are up for re-election.
We have a guest speaker for our Fall Meeting. His name is Paul Thompson and he is from the Yellow River Protection Conservancy (YRPC). He will be speaking to us about the Narrow Leaf Cattails. These are an invasive species growing in Yellow River from Spooner to Danbury. The concern is these are fast growing and cause more sediment than a native cattail. With more sediment forming in the river, it can cause blockage and restricting water flow. Yellow River drainage area is the water source for Yellow Lakes and River.
Thanks for your support and have a safe and fun rest of your summer. Looking forward to seeing everyone!
Jim Buhil
YLRA President